Deputy to the Director for Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace directorate in DG INTPA, European Commission
Chiara Adamo, Deputy to the Director for Human Development, Migration, Governance and Peace directorate in DG International Cooperation and Development (DG INTPA) in the European Commission, has more than 20 years of European Commission's experience on human rights, democracy, justice and security related issues in both internal EU and external policies. She is currently the head of the "Human Rights, Gender and Democratic Governance" unit in DG INTPA. She studied International and Diplomatic Relations in Gorizia (Italy) and specialised in European affairs in Rome and at the College of Europe, Bruges. Before joining the Commission, she worked in the European Parliament, for civil society organisations and local administrations.
The European Parliament elections marked the beginning of a new term and ushered in a renewed EU leadership tasked with driving the EU agenda for the next five years. Representatives from various EU institutions will share their perspectives on the emerging priorities and focus areas. They will discuss how the incoming European Commission and newly elected European Parliament can translate these priorities into concrete actions that strengthen democracy.